Photovoltaic Design and Installation For Dummies 1st Edition ~ Solar System Zone

By Ryan Mayfield

Sunlight allows photovoltaic (PV) modules (also called solar panels) to produce electricity and perform useful work, such as running electrical loads or putting energy back into the utility grid.

To get started in the burgeoning business world of photovoltaic design and installation, you need to know a few basics, such as the main components in a PV system design, pointers for conducting site surveys, and safety guidelines to use during installation.

Photovoltaic Design & Installation For Dummies gives you a comprehensive overview of the history, physics, design, installation, and operation of home-scale solar-panel systems. You'll also get an introduction to the foundational mathematics and electrical concepts you need to understand and work with photovoltaic systems.

Covers all aspects of home-scale solar-power systems, Viable resource for professionals, students, and technical laymen, Can be used to study for the NABCEP exam.

Whether you're a building professional looking to expand your business and skills to meet the growing demand for solar power installation or are seeking a career in this rapidly expanding field, Photovoltaic Design & Installation For Dummies has you covered!

 Below you can check the content for that book :-

Part I: Here Comes the Sun: Shedding
Some Light on PV Systems
Chapter 1: The Photovoltaic Revolution
Chapter 2: Checking Out Common Components and Systems
Chapter 3: Powering through Electricity Basics
Chapter 4: Warming Up to the Solar Resource
Chapter 5: Properly Selecting a Site for a PV System

Part II: Digging into Complete System Details
Chapter 6: PV Modules: From Sand to Electricity
Chapter 7: The Basics of Batteries
Chapter 8: Keeping Current and Voltage in Check: Charge Controllers
Chapter 9: Inverters: AC (From) DC
Chapter 10: Staying Secure: Wiring and Safety Components

Part III: Sizing a PV System
Chapter 11: Sizing a Grid-Direct System
Chapter 12: Sizing a Battery-Based System
Chapter 13: Sizing Conductors, Conduit, and Safety Components
Part IV: Installing a PV System
Chapter 14: The Permitting Process
Chapter 15: Staying Safe Anytime You Work on a PV System
Chapter 16: Assembling the Mechanical Parts
Chapter 17: Integrating the Electrical Elements
Chapter 18: Commissioning, Inspecting, and Maintaining a PV System
Part V: The Part of Tens
Chapter 19: Ten Ways to Avoid Common Code Mistakes
Chapter 20: Ten Ways to Maximize Energy Production for Your Clients

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